Dental Insurance

Did you know that every $1 spent on preventive dental care saves $4 in treatment costs? Dentists can be the first to identify signs of serious illnesses just by looking at the state of your teeth, gums and mouth. Some of the more common illnesses are Crohn’s disease, Diabetes, Oral cancer, Anemia, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), intense stress and more than 120 other serious health conditions. Dental coverage is some of the cheapest but most widely used insurance for you and your family. Contact us for a quote!

Get a FREE consultation from experienced insurance agents Victor Whang and Lauren Ferguson who help seniors navigate the complexities of Medicare, Long-Term care, prescription plans and pricing, and other programs, ensuring they have the right coverage for their healthcare needs and peace of mind during their golden years. Call 1-833-783-6669 (SVE-MONY) or fill out our contact form.

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